These are important parts if you are looking for shorts or opens on the DV series. This image shows the location of the FDS6679. A common cause of shorts in the DV series. When the power supply is plugged into the laptop and it shorts out/turns off it's usually caused by this MOSFET being shorted. Plainly stated. You plug the adapter into the DC Jack and the Blue Ring fails to light up, and the Power Supply shuts off. Giving no power to the tip. To reset adapter, unplug from AC (mains) and wait 15-30 sec. Then plug in again. The adapter is not damaged, since this is how it is protected. These parts do not determine charge time or per centage. The FDS6679 only closes to complete Positive circuit. The AO4407 only closes when the battery is plugged in. As a test- Check the voltage of the Drain side (pins 5-8) with AC adapter and no battery - you should see 0 volts. When you contect the battery you should have 10-14v depending on DV6000 or DV9000 series. IF the AO44...
think for info grited morroco in africa
ReplyDeleteI have a Hp DV4-1225dx
My problem is that when I power it up, it comes on and stays on, but I get no video and I get a continuous blinking of the caps and num lock light. I am a computer tech, but this project has me baffled. I ordered a new motherboard and it is doing the same thing, I switched out Memory chips(ram), and it is still doing the same thing. I even tried different Cpu's on both motherboard's, and I am still having a problem.
Help me please
You may have a defective touchpad or add-in peripheral. You should always test the board on the bench first. Without anything connected.
ReplyDeleteThen do a visual inspection, carefully lifting plastics and have plenty of light, because they can remove parts from the board.
The DV4 series reverts back to manufacturing problems. Switching over the the ATI video from nVidia simply swapped problems. Many caps and resistors on those boards have weak solder joints, from either flowing them too fast or contamination on the solder pads.
Levi- you did not say what the blink code is. 1 Blink, 2 blinks or what. I will be checking over some of the DV4's that I have done and see what I can write up.
Well when it blinks it just continuously blinks, I know that means power failure, but that's not possible when I added new bios bat, new battery, new adapter plug. One of the boards I just found out has a burnt capacitor, but the other one I'm still having the same problem.
ReplyDeleteYou say its the touch pad, when I plug it up i just plug in the aux power, and the power button and dc jack. then turn it on and get the same thing, I don't even plug up the touch-pad.
I'm about to send this bad motherboard back that I just ordered and was already having a burnt capacitor. Should I get my money back or is this board a possible fix?
You may want to notify the seller, and inform him that it is doing the same thing that your dead board does. Sometimes they write their ads on eBay so confusing that it said that it was a parts/repair board. But if the ad says that it is working, return it. Not knowing the capacitor that is burned, I cannot say if replacing it would fix it.