DV5-2155dx - No Video, Blinking lights on topside

I will only report how I fixed it, not answer specifics related to why/how/what or "where can I get parts" questions, because I simply don't have the time to reply to the requests.

This DV5 came in with no video display.

The problem was a coil L6002 to the right of the GPU shield.

The coil and/or pad cannot handle the 'bounce' current that flows through. Taking the coil out of the circuit path eliminates that problem.  Small inset image shows where the coil was and the old path of the circuit.
Larger View Shows coil location 


  1. Greetings from Serbia.
    I read your blog and I'm very satisfied with your approach to problems and solution to fix it.
    I have similar problem with one DV5 1062ez. When it power up 3 led on top side blinking and no video on laptop LCD neither on External monitor. I try to locate coil L6002 you mention on this text on mainboard but I cannot find it. Maybe is the same problem with this mainboard.
    I reball the GPU but the led is still blinking.
    Please help me if you can, or advise me.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Larger picture added to show location of L6002 Coil. Not sure if the models are similar enough, but hopefully this will help if it is.

  2. Thank you for fast reply, but my mainboard is different from yours. I cannot find this coil.

    I have another question. In fact it is a HP 6820s. Normally runs on battery but not the adapter. LED charging indicator light when the adapter is in and it's OK. But when I press the power button a clicking sound is heard in the area of ​​the power adapter jack.
    I cheked the e-MOSFET and some capacitor, and they are OK. Confusing to me is clicking and wonder which element may make such a sound.
    I wonder if you had similar experiences and where I need to focus in order to solve the problem.
    Thanks in advance.


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