DV6000/DV9000 Lines in LCD and External monitor -unreadable

A fairly common problem with this series is lines in the LCD and external monitor. Sometimes it will exhibit scrambled characters on the screen. Similar issue.  This is because the video memory has fail or lost connection and the addresses cannot be read properly by the system. The rest of the system may work but video is not proper and screen unreadable.

Lines and streaks on POST screen
Should show BIOS info and CPU info

This shows the step by step on how to correct this problem. There are other videos on YouTube dealing with the 'no-video' issue. Some are dangerous, others are goofy. I will be getting back to that production.  Not wanting to knock anyone for trying, but be careful, some of these guys are not techs or engineers and have no clue of consequences. 


  1. Interesting; thanks for that. I was surprised at how short a time was taken to reflow the memory chips (~37 seconds?), using the "low" setting on the heat gun I assume. I guess looking for the flux smoke (which doesn't show in the video) is the key to knowing when you have applied enough heat. Time to experiment with a scrap board, but a recommended heat profile with temps would be handy.

  2. The chips are smaller and less heat is used. No smoke will be seen. Generally speaking the bubbles are an indication that the solder balls are heated enough. Just making sure that the bubbling effect does happen. That also removes oxidation and contamenents that you cannot see from the top side of the chip.

  3. Awesome video ...good stuff as always. I finally broke down and bought a T-862++ a couple of months back. it has already paid for itself.

    Have you had any luck with the infamous Compaq C700 power issue? Seems to get power only from a charged battery. DC jacks and harness all tested good. And Im getting the correct voltage readings at the DC in terminals.....

    Its that "one" thing that i was never able to figure out and just cant let go. I'm sure we have all had problems like this that we never let go. I always welcome a good challenge, but im not to proud to ask for backup!

    Thanks for the video.
    Thanks, for your time.

    -Damon McZell
    Lucky's OnSite Computer Repair
    Clarksville, TN

  4. Damon: I don't recall having a power issue with C500 series, but I have camera full of pics and some are quite detailed. Others I forgot to post or was too tired when it was fresh in my mind.

  5. Yes Larry it is the temperature not the time. Remember the smaller the mass the less time you use. You do not want to damage the chip by heat. The flux spreads out the heat evenly under the chip and in this case was not intent on removing oxidation, only fixing the solder bond.

  6. Damon: I came across a C500/C700 with the power issue you mentioned. Since the board are similar DV Series, check the top side next to the Power In connector. If a cap is shorted it will misread the voltage settings. Will update you on where exactly.

  7. I have lines in GUI mode(when HP logo is shown, "starting windows" and in operating system) and systematic green boxes in DOS mode. Can this solution fix this problem and if no then what you suggest me? Thanks!

  8. Kaspars: That video should have shown how to fix your problem. If you also have same display on external video it is a Video memory related issue. There may be video ram memory on top and bottom sides of the board (depending on amount installed). Use water based flux and low temp reflow. Reflow one side and Test with external monitor before reassembling. If the results are the same reflow the other side.

    Do not press on chips!
    Do not bump board.
    Do not overheat.

    Flux cleans oxidation, makes copper like new and bridges heat and makes the solder stick better.

  9. I watched it some time ago but now it says "this video is private" Hope you will fix it

  10. + I'm lost in these englisch terms. Is this that flux I need:
    If no then which flux from ebay is required?
    Greetings from Latvia! :)

  11. Hello! very interesting work, but how do I see the video? me that is private ...

  12. The FLUX should be petroleum based Rosin Flux.

    1: it should be yellow, liquid or gell
    2: it should NOT be clear (that is too thin)
    3: it should NOT be water soluble (that is for wave solder machines)

    For US viewers: this flux is available at Radio Shack

  13. Video now available for viewing

  14. Hi, Sir

    How can I see the video ?


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