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  1. Let me be the first to say thank you for such a helpful blog! It is so hard to find the level of detail and experience you provide. It is greatly appreciated!

    Larry Sabo
    Sabo Computer Repairs

  2. This is very very helpful blog.As a technical person I must appreciate your thoughts.. doing a great job for us.Please keep it up...

  3. Very informative and helpful, thanks for taking the time to share extensive details obtained from your troubleshooting and repair.

    Choice Computing

  4. It's always good to stop by your blog and see whats new. I do laptop repairs in TN. and I have found a couple of your post VERY helpful. Keep up the good work!

    Lucky's OnSite Computer Repair

  5. This blog saved us twice now. Thanks!!

  6. Cant thank you enough for this blog full of USEFUL info. I work at a computer shop, ran by 3 ppl, and im the guy dealing with most technical stuff. i check this page daily, as i have much to learn :). wish i could upload some of repair i go through also. our office is full of spare parts and laptops to be repaired, which sometimes makes it easy for me to just replace a part from a spare laptop, but i want get more into the technical details like aa good tech does, replace a cap instead of a board kinda tech.

  7. McGyver, you could start your own blog and I would post a link here so that other solutions can be found at your site.

  8. Hi Mayo!

    Thanks for the good work. You are really helping us with up to date technical info. Keep it up and may God bless you!


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I cannot repair laptops for you via the internet, I can only answer questions related to posts. This is because I have not had experience on every motherboard that is out there. Bear with me.

If you do need it repaired. Contact me for quote (US/CDN Only)

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