Home Brew Solution to Clogged Heatsink
This is one part of why the DV Series fails, it is not the total solution and should be/could be additional help in keeping the heat vents clean . 2.5x2.5 inch intake vent (6.35cm x 6.35cm) If you get tired of cleaning out your heatsink fans to your DV series laptops you can try this 'homebrew' filter. this is done after you clean the fan and vents and the laptop already has been repaired or works. Since the filter is on the outside of the laptop you can simply brush off the lint/dander with a brush after a couple of months use. Or if you are often in your unit, it can be placed inside. This does not solve the overheating problem, but reduces the frequency of cleaning the heatsink. Though it is recommended that you apply thermal compound annually to prevent the "NO VIDEO" issue related to these models. Only apply to your personal laptop. Cut filter to cover vent What is the filter made of? Simple - a used dryer sheet. I...