
Showing posts from March, 2011

RE: HP GPU Video information

TARGET DATE: APR 15 ~ MAY 1st I just came up with a solution to those that are in dire need of the video. So instead of making a 'Hollywood' masterpiece, with fancy labels and jewel cases etc.  I will be doing a single Step By Step instructional video from start to finish.  This will  make the overall cost lower, and faster completion, as well as provide list of items needed and source for US customers. (Not many countries outside USA use 120v so the heat gun here would not work there) but the other items are readily available in most places.  So the contents will be a simple Instructional DVD by US Mail available through Paypal so that there will be no questions about me having your credit card info and such, or the complete kit, with all the parts for a D-I-Y project. The contents will be for 1 repair, but the rest of the items (*secret stuff) will be available for multiple repairs incase someone wants to do this at a shop on a regular basis.   If ...