Format Change and Redirection??
Considering going to FORUM Format, this way dialog and content can be better grouped and followed. This will stay up and be mostly for posts, but the forum will be best served for post and pictures that need to be answered. The Blog only allows pictures at the beginning, and questions afterwards cannot post pictures. Keep in mind this is intended for Technicians, and experienced individuals. There is no way that I can train via the internet on how to do something. (At least not in the current format) Since I see that there are lot of others that have been left behind, and some schools are not finishing the job. I will try to outline and classify better on the new Domain. You will have to subscribe so that I can at least keep track of my mail, questions and answers. One thing I do ask, is Try to STAY on blog, direct questions to my email address misses hundreds of others that may want to ask the same thing, or are asking the same thing. ...